Resources and publications

Displaying 1 to 20 of 38 results.
Title Author /s Summary Date Tag(s) Type
Brief index of materials relating to native title compensation research

This information sheet provides brief information about materials relating to native title compensation research.

Compensation, Culture, Research Information Sheet
Communicating with youth workbook for PBCs

PBCs have to think about succession. This workbook is for PBCs who want to engage with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in their community and region. It provides information, practical tips and ideas how to communicate and get them involved.

Communication, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Youth Workbook
Compensation fact sheet National Native Title Council

This fact sheet provides general information for native title compensation under the Native Title Act 1993 (NTA).

Compensation, Native Title Act Fact sheet
Conservation management and native title: opportunities for indigenous ownership Polly Grace, Terry Piper, Matthew Salmon

While Indigenous people make up just five percent of the global population, the areas they manage contain approximately 80 percent of the Earth’s biodiversity. 

In this context, there is an undeniably central role for Indigenous people to play in conservation management, but conversely, a significant risk that indigenous rights will be negatively impacted or undermined by conservation agendas. 

This panel will explore Indigenous experiences with conservation management, highlighting the opportunities and challenges faced by native title holders within this context.

Caring for Country, Environment, Indigenous knowledge, IPA (Indigenous Protected Areas), Land and sea management, Rangers / caring for country Presentation
Country needs People Country needs People

The Country Needs People campaign is fighting for the growth and security of opportunities for land and sea country management by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Caring for Country, Community development, Environment, Fire, Fishing, Land and sea management, Rangers / caring for country, Youth Website
Developing a National Indigenous Land and Sea Managers Network Duane Fraser

Australian Indigenous land and sea managers have repeatedly called for an independent national Indigenous land and sea managers network. Such a network would link top down and bottom up information exchanges, promoting shared understandings of issues and opportunities. The network would provide government with a vehicle to both inform and learn from local Indigenous groups, including community rangers, on local, national and international matters of environmental significance. It also provides an opportunity for Indigenous managers to come together to develop positions on policy that affects land and sea management such as Working on Country and Indigenous Protected Areas.

The network would not do business on behalf of people or replicate existing local or regional networks or institutions, but would provide strategic support, coordinate communication and identify opportunities for group to group skills and knowledge exchange. The network aims to provide professional support through a coordinated learning environment that facilitates the identification of effective resources, research, technologies and tools for use by Indigenous land and sea managers within Australia. This workshop provides an opportunity for Land & Sea Managers to come together to discuss the purpose and scope of a national network, including governance, networking and membership.

IPA (Indigenous Protected Areas), Land and sea management, Partnerships, Rangers / caring for country Presentation
Gender and generation in native title: Director demographics and the future of prescribed bodies corporate Geoff Buchanan

While gender and age are often noted as being important dimensions of Indigenous leadership and governance, they have rarely been examined in detail. This paper focuses specifically on the gender and age of directors on the boards of prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs), the corporations established to hold and/or manage native title rights and interests.

A predominant view persists of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women as excluded or marginalised in native title. Statistical data for the year 2011–12 reveals, however, that women’s representation on PBC boards is higher than that found in mainstream sectors, while the literature reveals a complex picture of cultural, historical, demographic, institutional and intercultural factors that influence men’s and women’s participation and power in the native title arena.

A key generational concern is the relatively low number of older people and the growing number of young people in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Viewed in relation to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and projected changes, the pool of potential PBC directors looks likely to grow in coming years. This paper argues that, as an increasingly significant sector, PBCs have the potential to both contribute to and benefit from the strengthening of community capacity but this potential will not be realised until the constraints on the capacity of PBCs to meet their statutory obligations and pursue native title holder aspirations are addressed.

Directors, Leadership, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Youth Article / paper
Gkuthaarn and Kukatj Land and Sea Country Plan GKuthaarn and Kukatj Traditional Owners, Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

The Gkuthaarn and Kukatj Land and Saltwater Country Plan is a strategic document that provides a framework for our people and our partners to work together to care for all the natural and cultural values of our country, while providing a sustainable livelihood for our community and others with rights and interests in our land and saltwater country. 

Commercial development, Community development, Employment, Environment, Indigenous knowledge, Land and sea management, Tourism, Youth Report
Guide to applying for DGR status Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC)

This resource aims to support the many local community initiatives that could go a long way to addressing our communities’ needs and dreams — if only the resources, time and money were available. 

Education, Funding, Youth Guide
Implementing native title: Indigenous leadership in land and water livelihoods Rod Kennett, Tran Tran, Leah Talbot, Timothy Heffernan Matthew Barton

This report is based on the workshop, Implementing native title: Indigenous leadership in land and water livelihoods, held at the 2015 National Native Title Conference, 16-18 June, Port Douglas, Queensland. It details the ways several Indigenous communities from around Australia are implementing their rights and interests following the restitution of their land and sea territories.

AIATSIS, Carbon farming, Fishing, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), Indigenous knowledge, IPA (Indigenous Protected Areas), Land and sea management, Rangers / caring for country Report
Leadership Indigenous Governance Toolkit

The topic 'Leadership' from the Indigenous Governance Toolkit has seven sections,

  1. Leadership for governance
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership
  3. The challenges of leadership
  4. Evaluating your leadership
  5. Youth leadership and succession planning
  6. Building leadership capacity to govern
  7. Case studies
Governance, Leadership, Succession Planning, Youth Information Sheet
NAILSMA Information Hub North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance

The North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA) is a leader in finding practical solutions to support Indigenous people manage their land and sea resources into the future. NAILSMA, a not-for-profit company, has over a decade of experience in delivering complex and challenging programs across north Australia.

Carbon farming, Commercial development, Community development, Indigenous knowledge, Rangers / caring for country, Water Website
Native Title Anthropology after the Timber Creek Decision Pamela Faye McGrath

In August 2016, the traditional owners of Timber Creek in the Northern Territory, the Ngaliwurru and Nungali peoples, were awarded over $3.3 million for the loss of their native title rights. $1.3 million of this award was a solatium payment, that is, compensation for hurt arising from damage caused by the loss of connection to the land. Griffiths v Northern Territory of Australia (No 3) [2016] FCA 900 (Timber Creek), which was heard by Justice John Mansfield, is the courts first litigated award of compensation for the loss or impairment of native title rights. In making his decision, Justice Mansfield relied on the evidence of anthropologists when assessing not only connections to country, but also the qualities and consequences of the social impacts that accompany the loss of connections to country. This paper considers the implications of the Timber Creek decision for the work of native title anthropologists and highlights some of the conceptual and methodological shifts required for research on native title compensation claims. The author draws attention to the demanding nature of native title compensation cases and the potential for research to aggravate existing trauma associated with loss of country, arguing for the need for all involved to be attentive to this risk when pursuing future claims.

Recommended citation: 

McGrath, PF 2017, Native Title Anthropology after the Timber Creek Decision, Land, Rights, Laws: Issues of Native Title series, vol. 6, no. 5, AIATSIS Research Publications, Canberra.

Compensation, Legal, Native Title Act Article / paper
Native Title Report 2012 Australian Human Rights Commission

Under the Native Title Act 1993, the Social Justice Commissioner is required to prepare a Native Title Report each year for federal Parliament. Through these reports the Commissioner gives a human rights perspective on native title issues and advocates for practical co-existence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups in using land.

The 2012 Native Title report includes a section on Indigneous Governance and a human rights approach to Indigenous governance.

Carbon farming, Compensation, Governance, Human rights, Indigenous knowledge Report
Nothing Succeeds Like Succession: Succession Planning for Not-for-Profits Our Community provides useful resources for succession planning in Not-for-Profit organisations. 

This website details the changes and processes of the board, staffing, and donors, whilst also covering topics on documentation, recruitment, and induction.

Governance, Succession Planning, Youth Website
PBC decision-making, certification and fees for service discussion paper CATSI Act, Compensation, Decision making, Exemptible rules, Fee for service, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), Legal, Members, Native Title Act, Native title holder, PBC Regulations, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Rule book Fact sheet
People on Country: Vital Landscapes, Indigenous Futures Jon Altman, Seán Kerins (eds)

This serious of essays draws on a diversity of perspectives to document a significant social and environmental movement that is quietly gathering momentum across this vast Indigenous estate. This series of essays, drawn from an unusual collaboration between university researchers and Indigenous land owners, tells a little-known story about Aboriginal people who are living on, working on and caring for the lands and seas that they own and manage. The ongoing struggles by Indigenous people to conserve and rehabilitate the outstanding natural and cultural values of their ancestral lands deserve wide recognition and acclaim.


Information on the volume can be found here

This volume can be purchased directly from The Federation Press by following the link below. 

Rangers / caring for country Book
Planning and Writing a Grant Proposal: The Basics The Writing Centre

This handout offers some ways of thinking about grant proposals and advice about the process of  planning and writing a proposal. 

Business, Reporting Information Sheet
Planning for the future: maximising native title compensation through the use of future funds Pamela Kaye, Glenys Hayes

A number of native title groups have seeded their own Future Funds and are growing an asset base to meet the needs of future generations. We will discuss the governance policies, investment strategies and transparent reporting structures of Future Funds, including their ability to take a long term view of investments and ride out world economic cycles.

In Griffiths v Northern Territory of Australia (Timber Creek Decision) the Federal Court ordered that the Northern Territory Government pay $3.3M including $1,488,261 for interest, to the Traditional Owners as compensation. The court considered that ‘the appropriate interest calculation is simple interest’ as there was insufficient commercial activity to justify compounding returns. 

In this presentation we will explore how investing a portion of available funds in a Future Fund may influence the courts to apply compound interest. Economic modelling will demonstrate that with a Future Fund the settlement amount could’ve been entirely different.

Compensation, Finance, Funding, Trusts Presentation
Planning for your community Rhonda Jacobsen, Jasmine Clubb, Alwyn Lyall

The future act regime provides a mechanism through which some native title holders are in a position to negotiate compensation for the impact of the future acts on their native title rights and interests.

In representing clients in negotiations and assisting with implementation of agreements, we were concerned that the native title groups had for so long focused on securing their native title determinations that they had not had the opportunity to review their community aspirations and needs. Such a review would provide the groups with a stronger negotiating position and implementation of the agreement can be more rigorous.

In 2013 the Future Act Mining and Exploration (FAME) Unit embarked on a new initiative of 'Community Planning' with certain native title groups who were affected by mining and exploration. In 2016, the 'Western Yalanji People Community Plan' was nominated for, and won a commendation award in the Public Engagement and Community Planning category of the Planning Institute of Australia Awards, held in Brisbane.

This presentation explores the community planning process and discusses the outcomes and achievements arising from the Western Yalanji People Community Plan.

Community development, Compensation, Future acts, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Presentation