NNTC (National Native Title Council)
Native Title Information Handbooks - PBC Funding and Training Guide
The Native Title Information Handbooks provide a summary of resources and information relating to key areas of native title.
The Handbooks provide information about:
Ethics workshop
An Ethics Workshop will be held for PBCs and Traditional Owners to be aware of best practice ethical research standards that should be used by researchers when working with Traditional Owners.
The workshop will introduce you to the themes and principles outlined in AIATSIS’s Guidelines for Ethical Research in Australian Indigenous Studies (GERAIS). Examples and case studies will help you understand how and why the GERAIS principles should be the minimum standards applied to any research on your land and sea country.
Exercising native title rights and interests
Traditional owners- native title claimants- native title holders- members of a prescribed body corporate. Who holds what native title rights? How can you exercise such rights? Post determination rights and interests are managed through a corporation governed by western laws and values. As is now well documented, this very structure required under the Native Title Act is often at odds with Indigenous decision making structures.
Emerging Issues in Land and Sea Management
Report of a workshop held on Wednesday 4th June 2014 at the National Native Title Conference, Coffs Harbour, NSW, to map current and future research and resource needs for land and sea management.
25 years since the Mabo decision: the advancement of PBCs in the Torres Strait and the challenges we face
The panel discussed the progress that PBCs in the Torres Strait region have made since the Mabo decision and highlights certain milestone achievements of their struggles.