Resources and publications

Displaying 1 to 5 of 5 results.
Title Author /s Summary Date Tag(s) Type
Brief index of materials relating to native title compensation research

This information sheet provides brief information about materials relating to native title compensation research.

Compensation, Culture, Research Information Sheet
Creating Archives AIATSIS

This resource provides guidance and important questions for organisations to consider when establishing an archive of their own. It includes what an archive is, why archives are important, what can go in an archive, and outlines steps which could be taken to set up an archive.  Links to other resources and contacts are also contained in the booklet.


AIATSIS, Community development, Culture, Data sovereignty, Database, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous law Information Sheet
Indigenous Knowledge: Issues for protection and management Terri Janke, Maiko Sentina

This discussion paper presents the issues faced in Australia for the protection and management of Indigenous Knowledge. 

Culture, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous law, Language Article / paper
Native Title and Tax: Understanding the Issues Miranda Stewart

Outlines the treatment of income tax under native title agreements

AUSTLII, Native Title Act, Tax Article / paper
Tax and Native Title Miranda Stewart

This paper discusses the current state of play regarding income tax and GST issues in relation to native title agreements, including recent reforms and ongoing areas of uncertainty.

Bookkeeping, Native Title Act, Tax Article / paper