Resources and publications

Displaying 1 to 5 of 5 results.
Title Author /s Summary Date Tag(s) Type
Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in Aboriginal contexts: A critical review Wenona Victor for the Canadian Human Rights Commission

What processes are available to help Aboriginal people resolve their conflicts internally? What are the most common challenges implementing such a process? This report examines three dispute resolution processes and the differences between Indigenous and Western practices.

Dispute management Article / paper
Anthropology and connection reports in native title claim applications Dr Julie Finlayson

This paper discusses the purposes and form of the reports, their differentiation from the NNTT registration process, considerations anticipating litigation, confidentiality and potential conflicts of interest by the State as respondent.

AIATSIS, Dispute management, Government, Indigenous knowledge, Legal Article / paper
Indigenous Knowledge: Issues for protection and management Terri Janke, Maiko Sentina

This discussion paper presents the issues faced in Australia for the protection and management of Indigenous Knowledge. 

Culture, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous law, Language Article / paper
Native Title and Tax: Understanding the Issues Miranda Stewart

Outlines the treatment of income tax under native title agreements

AUSTLII, Native Title Act, Tax Article / paper
Tax and Native Title Miranda Stewart

This paper discusses the current state of play regarding income tax and GST issues in relation to native title agreements, including recent reforms and ongoing areas of uncertainty.

Bookkeeping, Native Title Act, Tax Article / paper