Resources and publications

Displaying 1 to 20 of 29 results.
Title Author /s Summary Date Tag(s) Type
A digital approach: Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (ETNTAC) case study report Christiane Keller, Ophelia Rubinich, Helen Wrigth and Jasmine Tearle

This report provides insights into a digital approach to returning native title materials using digital forensic analysis. Great volumes of hardcopy and digital materials can be interrogated with a keyword search once ingested into a NUIX database to retrieve relevant documents. It provides step-by step diagrams and the ETNTAC Native Title Materials Policy and Procedure.

Database, Heritage, Policies, Technology Report
A Way Forward - Final report into the destruction of Indigenous heritage sites at Juukan Gorge Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia

This report is the final report resulting from the federal parliamentary inquiry into the destruction of the Juukan Gorge Aboriginal heritage sites by Rio Tinto on 24 May 2020. This tragic event, and the national condemnation of the actions of Rio Tinto, has sparked action to address the legislative failings that allowed the destruction of the Juukan Gorge sites–and similar sites around the nation. The Juukan Gorge disaster is just one example of countless instances where cultural heritage has been the victim of the drive for development and commercial gain. The report makes a number of recommendations aimed at preventing future destruction.


Caring for Country, Culture, Heritage, Mining Report
Brief index of materials relating to native title compensation research

This information sheet provides brief information about materials relating to native title compensation research.

Compensation, Culture, Research Information Sheet
Communicating with youth workbook for PBCs

PBCs have to think about succession. This workbook is for PBCs who want to engage with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in their community and region. It provides information, practical tips and ideas how to communicate and get them involved.

Communication, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Youth Workbook
Country needs People Country needs People

The Country Needs People campaign is fighting for the growth and security of opportunities for land and sea country management by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Caring for Country, Community development, Environment, Fire, Fishing, Land and sea management, Rangers / caring for country, Youth Website
Creating Archives AIATSIS

This resource provides guidance and important questions for organisations to consider when establishing an archive of their own. It includes what an archive is, why archives are important, what can go in an archive, and outlines steps which could be taken to set up an archive.  Links to other resources and contacts are also contained in the booklet.


AIATSIS, Community development, Culture, Data sovereignty, Database, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous law Information Sheet
Gender and generation in native title: Director demographics and the future of prescribed bodies corporate Geoff Buchanan

While gender and age are often noted as being important dimensions of Indigenous leadership and governance, they have rarely been examined in detail. This paper focuses specifically on the gender and age of directors on the boards of prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs), the corporations established to hold and/or manage native title rights and interests.

A predominant view persists of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women as excluded or marginalised in native title. Statistical data for the year 2011–12 reveals, however, that women’s representation on PBC boards is higher than that found in mainstream sectors, while the literature reveals a complex picture of cultural, historical, demographic, institutional and intercultural factors that influence men’s and women’s participation and power in the native title arena.

A key generational concern is the relatively low number of older people and the growing number of young people in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Viewed in relation to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and projected changes, the pool of potential PBC directors looks likely to grow in coming years. This paper argues that, as an increasingly significant sector, PBCs have the potential to both contribute to and benefit from the strengthening of community capacity but this potential will not be realised until the constraints on the capacity of PBCs to meet their statutory obligations and pursue native title holder aspirations are addressed.

Directors, Leadership, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Youth Article / paper
Gkuthaarn and Kukatj Land and Sea Country Plan GKuthaarn and Kukatj Traditional Owners, Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

The Gkuthaarn and Kukatj Land and Saltwater Country Plan is a strategic document that provides a framework for our people and our partners to work together to care for all the natural and cultural values of our country, while providing a sustainable livelihood for our community and others with rights and interests in our land and saltwater country. 

Commercial development, Community development, Employment, Environment, Indigenous knowledge, Land and sea management, Tourism, Youth Report
Guide to applying for DGR status Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC)

This resource aims to support the many local community initiatives that could go a long way to addressing our communities’ needs and dreams — if only the resources, time and money were available. 

Education, Funding, Youth Guide
Indigenous Knowledge: Issues for protection and management Terri Janke, Maiko Sentina

This discussion paper presents the issues faced in Australia for the protection and management of Indigenous Knowledge. 

Culture, Indigenous knowledge, Indigenous law, Language Article / paper
Leadership Indigenous Governance Toolkit

The topic 'Leadership' from the Indigenous Governance Toolkit has seven sections,

  1. Leadership for governance
  2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership
  3. The challenges of leadership
  4. Evaluating your leadership
  5. Youth leadership and succession planning
  6. Building leadership capacity to govern
  7. Case studies
Governance, Leadership, Succession Planning, Youth Information Sheet
Managing information in native title: Survey and workshop report Pamela Faye McGrath, Ludger Dinkler, Alexandra Andriolo

This publication reports on the proceedings of a two-day national workshop on the use and security of cultural and other information accumulated through the native title claims process, which was held at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies in Canberra on 16–17 March 2015. It provides an overview of the most significant factors affecting the capacity of native title organisations to manage, secure and provide appropriate access to their holdings of native title information.

Culture, Native title materials Report
Mornington Island Restorative Justice Project report Queensland Government

The Mornington Island Restorative Justice (MIRJ) Project has worked with families to establish a community-based alternative dispute resolution (mediation or peacemaking) service inclusive of Island culture and conforming to the requirements of the criminal justice system.

Community, Culture, Dispute management, Legal Report
Native title and commercial fisheries: the Torres Strait sea claim Gabrielle Lauder, Lisa Strelein

For native title holders, the ability to exercise native title rights for commercial purposes is crucial to full and meaningful participation in the social, cultural and economic life of Australia. This article examines the extent to which native title gives its holders the power to manage resources, govern their use and exploit them commercially.

AUSTLII, Fishing, Native Title Act, Water rights Article / paper
Native Title and Tax: Understanding the Issues Miranda Stewart

Outlines the treatment of income tax under native title agreements

AUSTLII, Native Title Act, Tax Article / paper
Ngarrindjeri Nation Yaruwar-Ruwe Plan Ngarrindjeri people, South Australia

A key purpose of the plan was to better educate government and nongovernment agencies, researchers and the wider Australian public on Ngarrindjeri connection to Country and their associated rights and obligations to Yarluwar-Ruwe

Culture, Land and sea management, Land and water, Land rights, Water rights Report
Nothing Succeeds Like Succession: Succession Planning for Not-for-Profits Our Community provides useful resources for succession planning in Not-for-Profit organisations. 

This website details the changes and processes of the board, staffing, and donors, whilst also covering topics on documentation, recruitment, and induction.

Governance, Succession Planning, Youth Website
Prescribed Bodies Corporate: Charging fees for services Lisa Strelein

An outline of some of the legal issues surrounding PBCs charging fees for service and what PBCs can and cannot charge fees for.

AIATSIS, AUSTLII, Fee for service Article / paper
Recruiting and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees: A guide for community legal centres National Association of Community Legal Centres

To assist community legal centres (CLCs) to meet the cultural safety standards in the National Accreditation Scheme (NAS), the National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC) has developed this Guide to assist NACLC and CLCs to improve the attraction, recruitment, support and retention of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees in the sector. 

Business, Culture, Employment, Training Guide
Reflections on a native title anthropology field school Andrew McWilliam, Jodi Neale

Anthropologists play a significant role in the native title system in Australia, especially in undertaking connection research to demonstrate the evidentiary basis of claims. In 2010, recognising the lack of sufficiently qualified anthropologists working in native title, the Australian Government introduced a grants program to attract and retain practitioners. This paper describes a field school in the Northern Territory that was funded through the Native Title Anthropologist Grants Program. Through dialogue and interaction with the Aboriginal community, the organisers aimed to expose and interpret ideas, practices, memories, mythologies, relationships and other aspects of society and culture in the terms required for the demonstration of native title. Both novel and successful, the field school points the way for future training initiatives in native title anthropology.

AIATSIS, Education, Youth Report