Resources and publications

Displaying 1 to 2 of 2 results.
Title Author /s Summary Date Tag(s) Type
Guidelines for best practice flexible and sustainable agreement making AIATSIS Research

This Best Practice Guide is designed to provide practical guidance for government parties on the behaviours, attitudes and practices that can achieve flexible, broad and efficient resolutions of native title. It identifies a range of common factors indicative of successful broader land settlements that may be applied or adapted to the circumstances of particular settlements.

Agreements, AIATSIS Guide
Guidelines for ethical research in Australian Indigenous studies AIATSIS

This revised comprehensive review of AIATSIS sets the highest standards of ethics and support for human rights in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research. While the principles in the 2012 edition are largely retained, they have been reorganised into a new framework and augmented to reflect emerging standards and developments.

AIATSIS, Capacity building, Data sovereignty, Ethics, Research Guide