Rule book

A document that explains how the PBC should be run. It is also known as the PBC constitution.

Getting started

The topic 'Getting started' from the Indigenous Governance Toolkit has four sections,

  1. Getting started on building your governance
  2. Assessing your governance
  3. Mapping your community for governance
  4. Case studies

A guide to writing good governance rules for PBCs and RNTBCs

This guide complements the Rule book info kit and is for prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs) and Registered Native title bodies corporate (RNTBCs) who have extra responsibilities under the Native Title Act 1993. It describes some of the important issues that need to be considered when writing rules for these types of corporations. It also suggests some specific rules. It is designed for PBCs, RNTBCs and groups intending to hold or manage native title.

The Rule Book - Info Kit

The rule book info kit is comprehensive and takes advantage of the full range of options under the CATSI Act. It includes extra information and notes to help corporations pick and tailor rules.

It is a longer document which includes set laws from the CATSI Act which cannot be changed (rules that apply to all corporations) as well as:

The rule book - condensed

Example rule book that corporations can use to make their own rule book that complies with the CATSI Act and suits their needs. This rule book satisfies the requirements for most corporations registering under the CATSI Act. This rule book satisfies the requirements for a constitution under the CATSI Act and includes some good governance ideas. It keeps some of the ‘replaceable rules’ under the CATSI Act, and replaces others. It doesn’t include all of the set law under the CATSI Act.