Port Lincoln tuna baron Hagen Stehr and Port Adelaide Football Club Aboriginal programs director Paul Vandenbergh are joining forces to drive jobs for Indigenous youth in the seafood industry.
Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
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Native title does not exist
Native title exists (exclusive)
Native title exists (non-exclusive)
Native title extinguished
ILUA registered
ILUA in notification
ILUA notification ended
ILUA subject to objection (not withdrawn) and/or adverse material
Future Act notices current
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The Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC administers land on behalf of the Far West Coast Native Title Claim Group, which includes the Mirning people, the Wirangu people, the Kokatha people, the Maralinga Tjarutja people, the Yalata people and the descendants of Edward/Ted Roberts, with the Court recognising that many members were affiliated with more than one group. Their native title rights and interests were first recognised in the Far West Coast native title determinations of 2013.
This consent determination follows the amalgamation of five previous, partially overlapping claims, (the Edward/Ted Roberts, the Maralinga Tjarutja, the Mirning, the Wirangu #1 and Yalata native title claims), now the Far West Coast Native Title Claim Group. The determination area consists of approximately 75,249 km2 in the far south-west of South Australia and includes many sites of significance in coastal country, wooded coastal plain and dry inland salt lake, soak and sandhill country. The determination area includes the towns of Ceduna/Thevenard, Denial Bay, Smoky Bay, Penong, Fowlers Bay and Coorabie. Over 85% of the determination area is land dedicated as national park, reserve or wilderness area.
As the application combined three different language groups, the Court specifically considered the concept of ‘society’ under s223 of the Native Title Act (NTA). The Court reiterated that the evidence must show there is a recognisable group or society that presently recognises and observes traditional laws and customs in the determination area. The Court found this to be evident in this matter, and noted that language was “not the critical factor in determining native title rights and interests in the area.”
The Court noted that, immediately following the making of the determination, the State, the Applicant and the nominated native title holding body were to execute the Far West Coast Settlement ILUA. This agreement was expected to include the surrender and consequent extinguishment of native title over a number of land parcels. The agreement would also require that the non-extinguishment principle be applied to the vesting of adjacent land in the determination area, where certain acts had been undertaken, as intermediate period acts, which would otherwise extinguish native title.
Type of RNTBC |
Contact number |
08 8625 3340
Postal address |
PO Box 596, CEDUNA SA 5690
Office address |
62 Poynton Street, CEDUNA SA 5690
PBC size |
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Date of registration |
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) |
PBC link |
Representatives of the six claimant groups met at the Far West Aboriginal Sporting Complex from Thursday to Saturday to learn the terms put forward by the South Australian Government, voice their questions and concerns, and ultimately vote to give the claim final approval
"It's the end of a long road but in a sense it's also the opening of a door and new opportunities as native title holders," he said
A Federal Court hearing in the far west of South Australia will recognise native title over almost 76,000 square kilometres of land. It amalgamates five previous and partially overlapping areas, stretching from just north of Streaky Bay to the border with Western Australia.
Determination outcomes
Name | FC name | Tribunal number | Determined outcome | Area |