Bandjalang Aboriginal Corporation Prescribed Body Corporate RNTBC

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Native title does not exist

Native title exists (exclusive)

Native title exists (non-exclusive)

Native title extinguished

ILUA registered

ILUA in notification

ILUA notification ended

ILUA subject to objection (not withdrawn) and/or adverse material

Future Act notices current

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Type of RNTBC
Contact name
Rebecca Woods
Contact number
02 6683 2625
Postal address
PO Box 302, CORAKI NSW 2471
Office address
2 & 3/33 Woodburn Street, Evans Head, NSW 2473
PBC size
Date of incorporation
Date of registration
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number)
PBC activity feed

Raw emotion filled the room as Australia's longest-running Native Title claim came to an end at Evans Head. A Federal Court special hearing ruled to legally recognise the rights of Bandjalang People over a large section of land on the New South Wales north coast, following a 17 year application process.

After 17 long years of legal proceedings, the Bandjalang People have finally come home.The Bandjalang People were yesterday recognised by the Federal Court of Australia as the traditional owners of land surrounding Evans Head.

Bundjalung National Park is part of a group of reserves where the Bandjalang people’s native title rights have been recognised by the Federal Court. It is the third determination of native title rights in New South Wales.

The Federal Court has recognised Native Title rights for the Bandjalang people over land on the NSW north coast including Evans Head.

Determination outcomes

Name FC name Tribunal number Determined outcome Area