An application to use 40,000 megalitres of water a year for a major fruit and vegetable project in Central Australia should be rejected, according to a water expert and a key Indigenous group.
Kaytetye Alyawarr Awenyerraperte Ingkerr-wenh Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
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Native title exists (non-exclusive)
Native title extinguished
ILUA registered
ILUA in notification
ILUA notification ended
ILUA subject to objection (not withdrawn) and/or adverse material
Future Act notices current
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Type of RNTBC |
Postal address |
PO Box 3321, Alice Springs NT 0871
Office address |
c/- 27 Stuart Highway, ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870
PBC size |
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Date of incorporation |
Date of registration |
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) |
Determination outcomes
Name | FC name | Tribunal number | Determined outcome | Area |