Lhere Artepe Supermarkets manages the Three IGA neighbourhood supermarkets - Flynn, Old Eastside and Northside in Alice Springs. The native title holders of Alice Springs are the ultimate shareholders of these business. They employ 120 people, inset around $34m a year into the local economy. At any one time they employ 10-20% Aboriginal people.
Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC
Legend of map layers
Native title does not exist
Native title exists (exclusive)
Native title exists (non-exclusive)
Native title extinguished
ILUA registered
ILUA in notification
ILUA notification ended
ILUA subject to objection (not withdrawn) and/or adverse material
Future Act notices current
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The Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation administers land as a representative of the Arrente people of the Mparntwe, Antulye and Irlpme estates. The Arrente people’ ownership of the land was recognised in the Alice Springs determination of May 2000.
The Alice Springs determination arose from a claim over 166 separate parcels of land within and around Alice Springs. This claim was litigated within the Federal Court. In opposition to the native title claim, the Northern Territory government argued that native title had been extinguished by pastoral leases. This argument was rejected by the Federal Court.
The Court determined that native title exists in whole or part of 113 of the 166 areas claimed: in the remainder, native title rights and interests had been extinguished. In areas where native title does exist, they confer non-exclusive rights to possession, occupation, use and enjoyment of the determination area.
In addition to the Alice Springs determination, the Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation also administers five Indigenous Land Use Agreements and a land release agreement. These agreements concern development within particular parts of the determination area.
Type of RNTBC |
Contact name |
Robert Campbell
Contact number |
07 4069 0700
Postal address |
PO Box 5186, ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871
Office address |
20 Parson Street, ALICE SPRINGS NT 0871
PBC size |
Region |
Date of incorporation |
Date of registration |
ICN (Indigenous Corporation Number) |
PBC link |
Native Title has been extinguished over the Anzac Oval and the area occupied by the old Anzac Hill High School (pictured), according to Lauren Moss, Minister for Tourism and Culture.
“No Indigenous Land Use Agreements are required in relation to the Anzac Hill Precinct for the National Aboriginal Art Gallery to be built there,” she says, “subject to sacred sites in the area being protected and honoured in accordance with the conditions set as part of the sacred site survey process.”
Determination outcomes
Name | FC name | Tribunal number | Determined outcome | Area |