Resources and publications

Displaying 1 to 16 of 16 results.
Title Author /s Summary Date Tag(s) Type
A digital approach: Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (ETNTAC) case study report Christiane Keller, Ophelia Rubinich, Helen Wrigth and Jasmine Tearle

This report provides insights into a digital approach to returning native title materials using digital forensic analysis. Great volumes of hardcopy and digital materials can be interrogated with a keyword search once ingested into a NUIX database to retrieve relevant documents. It provides step-by step diagrams and the ETNTAC Native Title Materials Policy and Procedure.

Database, Heritage, Policies, Technology Report
Aboriginal Carbon Foundation Aboriginal Carbon Foundation

Aboriginal Carbon Foundation is a national not-for-profit company building and nurturing a sustainable Aboriginal carbon industry.

Carbon farming, Commercial development, Employment, Environment, Fire Website
Barni-Wardimantha Awara (Don’t Spoil the Country) – Yanyuwa Sea Country Plan Dr John Bradley, Yanyuwa Families

The Yanyuwa people of the south-west Gulf of Carpentaria, have developed the Yanyuwa Sea Country Plan to explain the relationship between Yanyuwa people and our Sea Country; explain Yanyuwa people's concerns about current and future management of our Sea Country; set out objectives, strategies and actions to address Yanyuwa concerns and aspirations about sea country management; and propose options for working with government agencies, industry and other stakeholders to achieve our objectives, strategies and actions. 

Land and sea management, Land and water, Land rights, Water rights Report
Country, Native Title and Ecology Jessica Weir (ed)

Country, native title and ecology all converge in this volume to describe the dynamic intercultural context of land and water management on Indigenous lands. Indigenous people’s relationships with country are discussed from various speaking positions, including identity and knowledge, the homelands debate, water planning, climate change and market environmentalism. The inter-disciplinary chapters range from an ethnographic description of living waters in the Great Sandy Desert, negotiating the eradication of yellow crazy ants in Arnhem Land, and legal analysis of native title rights in emerging carbon markets. A recurrent theme is the contentions over meaning, knowledge, and authority.

Carbon farming, Environment, Indigenous knowledge, Water Book
Hunting, shooting, fishing: the content of native title rights and the right to take and use resources for commercial purposes Elizabeth Harvey

The recognition of native title in the Mabo decision has led to consideration and debate in the media and the Australian community over the content and scope of native title rights for hunting, fishing and the taking and using of resources.

This presentation will look at the content of these native title rights, and how they are understood and regulated, including the protections in section 211 of the Native Title Act, the effect of the decision in Yanner v Eaton (1999) 201 CLR 351, and how this interacts with other environmental management and threatened species legislation. It will then look forward to more recent recognition of commercial fishing and trading rights, as considered in Akiba on behalf of the Torres Strait Islanders of the Regional Seas Claim Group v Queensland (No 2) [2010] FCA 643 and Rrumburriya Borroloola Claim Group v Northern Territory of Australia [2016] FCA 776, how those rights can be demonstrated and their interaction with government regulation.

Commercial development, Fishing, Hunting, Right to take Presentation
Implementing native title: Indigenous leadership in land and water livelihoods Rod Kennett, Tran Tran, Leah Talbot, Timothy Heffernan Matthew Barton

This report is based on the workshop, Implementing native title: Indigenous leadership in land and water livelihoods, held at the 2015 National Native Title Conference, 16-18 June, Port Douglas, Queensland. It details the ways several Indigenous communities from around Australia are implementing their rights and interests following the restitution of their land and sea territories.

AIATSIS, Carbon farming, Fishing, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), Indigenous knowledge, IPA (Indigenous Protected Areas), Land and sea management, Rangers / caring for country Report
Kooyang Sea Country Plan Members of the Framlingham Aboriginal Trust and Winda Mara Aboriginal Corporation

This Sea Country Plan is an important step in re-asserting our responsibilities for the management and protection of the natural resources of our country. 

Heritage, Land and sea management, Land and water, Land rights Report
Kurtijar Land and Saltwater Country Plan Kurtijar People, Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation

The Kurtijar Land and Saltwater Country Plan is a strategic document that provides a framework for our people and our partners to work together to care for all the natural and cultural values of our country, while providing a sustainable livelihood for our community and others with rights and interests in our land and saltwater country.

Land and sea management, Land and water, Land rights Report
NAILSMA Information Hub North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance

The North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA) is a leader in finding practical solutions to support Indigenous people manage their land and sea resources into the future. NAILSMA, a not-for-profit company, has over a decade of experience in delivering complex and challenging programs across north Australia.

Carbon farming, Commercial development, Community development, Indigenous knowledge, Rangers / caring for country, Water Website
Native Title Report 2000 Australian Human Rights Commission

Under the Native Title Act 1993, the Social Justice Commissioner is required to prepare a Native Title Report each year for federal Parliament. Through these reports the Commissioner gives a human rights perspective on native title issues and advocates for practical co-existence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups in using land. 

This report examines:

human rights and native title

  • the extinguishment of native title
  • native title and sea rights 
  • indigenous heritage and native title.
Heritage, Land and sea management, Land rights, Native Title Act, Water rights Report
Native Title Report 2006 Australian Human Rights Commission

Under the Native Title Act 1993, the Social Justice Commissioner is required to prepare a Native Title Report each year for federal Parliament. Through these reports the Commissioner gives a human rights perspective on native title issues and advocates for practical co-existence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups in using land.

Agreements, Commercial development, Finance, Funding, Land rights, Mining, Water rights Report
Native Title Report 2012 Australian Human Rights Commission

Under the Native Title Act 1993, the Social Justice Commissioner is required to prepare a Native Title Report each year for federal Parliament. Through these reports the Commissioner gives a human rights perspective on native title issues and advocates for practical co-existence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous groups in using land.

The 2012 Native Title report includes a section on Indigneous Governance and a human rights approach to Indigenous governance.

Carbon farming, Compensation, Governance, Human rights, Indigenous knowledge Report
Ngarrindjeri Nation Yaruwar-Ruwe Plan Ngarrindjeri people, South Australia

A key purpose of the plan was to better educate government and nongovernment agencies, researchers and the wider Australian public on Ngarrindjeri connection to Country and their associated rights and obligations to Yarluwar-Ruwe

Culture, Land and sea management, Land and water, Land rights, Water rights Report
So, what’s new? Native Title Representative Bodies and Prescribed Bodies Corporate after Ward David Ritter

This paper comments on some of the trends in Indigenous native title representation that have continued after the High Court's Ward decision.

Land rights, Legal, Native Title Act, Water rights Article / paper
Thuwathu / Bujimulla Sea Country Plan Peoples from the Wellesley Island region

This plan is to explain cultural relationship of the Aboriginal Traditional Owners of the Wellesley Islands region of the southern Gulf of Carpentaria and obligations to the Sea Country, and to outline their ideas and commitments for its sustainable use and management.

Land and sea management, Land and water, Land rights, Water rights Report
Youth Forum Keynote - Our time is now: Youth in native title Murrawah Johnson

Speech by Murrawah Johnson from the 2017 National Native Title Conference. Johnson explores engaging 'Gen NT' and continuing to bring land justice to the forefront of youth movements. 

Land rights, Youth Presentation