Resources and publications

Displaying 1 to 20 of 64 results.
Title Author /s Summary Date Tag(s) Type
25 years since the Mabo decision: the advancement of PBCs in the Torres Strait and the challenges we face Doug Passi, Mr Lui Ned David, Ms Garagu Kanai

The panel discussed the progress that PBCs in the Torres Strait region have made since the Mabo decision and highlights certain milestone achievements of their struggles. 

NNTC (National Native Title Council), PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Presentation
Aboriginal assets? the impact of major agreements associated with native title in Western Australia Sarah Prout Quicke, Alfred Michael Dockery, Aileen Hoath

This report, conducted for the Department of Regional Development, addresses the question of how effective agreements arising from native title determinations are at meeting the needs and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples who have achieved, or are pursuing (through registered native title claims), legal recognition as native title holders. The report research is based on a review of relevant academic and ‘grey’ literature as well as case studies of the experiences of three Western Australian Aboriginal native title groups in their efforts to leverage agreements with government and industry to enhance their wellbeing and pursue their aspirations.

Agreements, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), Mining, Native Title Act, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Trusts Report
About Future Acts National Native Title Tribunal

Webpage from the National Native Title Tribunal detailing basic information about future acts. 

Future acts, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Website
About Indigenous Land Use Agreements National Native Title Tribunal

Landing page on the National Native Title Tribunal website providing information on Indigenous Land Use Agreements (IULAs). 

ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Information Sheet
About Native Title Applications National Native Title Tribunal

Types of native title claims.

Native Title Act, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Information Sheet
AIATSIS Submission – Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) Support Strategy Dr Lisa Strelein, Dr Belinda Burbidge, Ashleigh Blechynden

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) recommends that the Commonwealth recognise the changing roles of Native Title Representative Bodies and Service Providers (NTRB/SP) and the infrastructure and support they provide to the PBC sector while offering flexible policies and processes that allow for PBC autonomy and local decision-making.

More specifically, this brief responds to the following main points identified in the Terms of Reference (TOR):

  1. Better engagement between PBCs and governments
  2. More effective, transparent and coordinated funding for PBCs
  3. Additional support for PBCs (other than providing direct funding)
  4. Options for legislative and institutional role reform to support an effective and accountable native title system
AIATSIS, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Report
Analysing key characteristics in Indigenous corporate failure: Research Paper Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations

This research paper aims to better understand factors that contribute to corporate failure in Indigenous corporations.

NTRB (Native Title Representative Body), PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Report
Authorisation and decision-making in native title Nick Duff

Native title involves an interface between the Australian legal system and Indigenous legal, cultural and political systems. The assertion and management of native title rights involves collective action by sometimes large and disparate groups of Indigenous people. Contentious politics makes such collective action difficult and the courts will often be asked to decide whether group decisions have been validly made. In the last two decades a vast and complex body of law and practice has developed to address this challenge.

Authorisation law is a set of principles about how the views and intentions of native title claimants or holders are translated into legally effective decisions. This book sets out the legal rules and their application in various situations: native title claims, native title agreement-making, decision-making by native title corporations, and compensation applications. It also addresses key practical, ethical and political dimensions of native title decision-making.

This book will be useful for native title practitioners including lawyers, judges and native title holders. It will also be relevant to academic research into the ethical, political and anthropological dimensions of Indigenous governance.

Decision making, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), Native Title Act, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Book
Banking the credit of community ownership – the Victorian experience Jeremy Clark, Janine Coombs

This paper examines the potential for native title organisations with limited asset bases to engage in successful commercial activity through joint venture enterprises. 

Firstly, we describe the development of the Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations as a state ‘peak-body’ of local native title organisations. We then discuss the Federation’s program of economic and commercial development both for its members and as an entity in itself, including the establishment of its incorporated joint ventures; Barpa Constructions Pty Ltd and On Country Heritage and Consulting Pty Ltd and commentary on the significance of the Commonwealth’s Indigenous Procurement Policy as a factor in this process.

The final section of the paper draws upon the experience of the Federation to examine how the legitimacy bestowed by the community ownership of native title organisations’ businesses creates a market advantage which is attractive to joint venture partners and can more than offset and deficit in terms of monetary resources available for investment in a newly established enterprise.

The paper concludes by reflecting that the market advantage bestowed by community ownership may well be a product of the racism inherent in Australian society’s hostility to wealthy Indigenous individuals.

Commercial development, Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporation, Finance, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Presentation
Communicating with youth workbook for PBCs

PBCs have to think about succession. This workbook is for PBCs who want to engage with young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in their community and region. It provides information, practical tips and ideas how to communicate and get them involved.

Communication, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Youth Workbook
Corporation Reporting Guide Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations

This guide is designed to help corporation auditors and accountants (or bookkeepers) prepare reports

Bookkeeping, ORIC, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Policies, Reporting, Rule book Information Sheet
Decision-making: Constitutions of Prescribed Bodies Corporate Ashleigh Blechynden

The Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) research snapshot series has been developed to share findings from the Native Title Research Unit’s (NTRU) investigation into the constitutions and financial reports of PBCs. This research forms part of the PBC Capability project which aims to develop a long-term national picture of the PBC sector. This snapshot examines the decision-making processes identified by PBCs within their constitutions including voting processes, quorum requirements and the use of independent directors.

CATSI Act, Constitutions, Decision making, Native Title Act, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Rule book Report
Detailed information on changes to native title laws and obligations CATSI Act, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), Members, Native Title Act, Native title holder, PBC Regulations, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Reporting, Rule book, Special administration Fact sheet
Dispute management: Constitutions of Prescribed Bodies Corporate Ashleigh Blechynden

The Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) research snapshot series has been developed to share findings from the Native Title Research Unit’s (NTRU) investigation into the constitutions and financial reports of PBCs. This research forms part of the PBC Capability project which aims to develop a long-term national picture of the PBC sector.

This snapshot looks at the dispute management processes within PBC constitutions, examining the use of NTRBs, independent mediation and elder’s councils to resolve disputes.

AIATSIS, CATSI Act, Dispute management, Native Title Act, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Report
Distribution of wealth and growth of PBCs by size Dr Belinda Burbidge

The Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC) Native Title Policy Paper series has been developed to share findings from AIATSIS’ native title research projects and the impact of those findings on current policy conversations.

This policy paper examines the distribution of wealth and growth of PBCs by size between the years 2010-11 and 2015-16 calculated in terms of net totals and growth rates in the areas of income, assets, equity and staff.

PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Report
Future Acts for PBCs Aurora

Information about Future Acts for PBCs. 

Future acts, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Information Sheet
Gender and generation in native title: Director demographics and the future of prescribed bodies corporate Geoff Buchanan

While gender and age are often noted as being important dimensions of Indigenous leadership and governance, they have rarely been examined in detail. This paper focuses specifically on the gender and age of directors on the boards of prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs), the corporations established to hold and/or manage native title rights and interests.

A predominant view persists of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women as excluded or marginalised in native title. Statistical data for the year 2011–12 reveals, however, that women’s representation on PBC boards is higher than that found in mainstream sectors, while the literature reveals a complex picture of cultural, historical, demographic, institutional and intercultural factors that influence men’s and women’s participation and power in the native title arena.

A key generational concern is the relatively low number of older people and the growing number of young people in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population. Viewed in relation to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population and projected changes, the pool of potential PBC directors looks likely to grow in coming years. This paper argues that, as an increasingly significant sector, PBCs have the potential to both contribute to and benefit from the strengthening of community capacity but this potential will not be realised until the constraints on the capacity of PBCs to meet their statutory obligations and pursue native title holder aspirations are addressed.

Directors, Leadership, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Youth Article / paper
Healthy Corporation Checklist Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations

The healthy corporation checklist allows you to check your corporation’s compliance with the rule book and the law.

The checklist contains a list of questions to ask about your corporation. It also has links to important template documents and forms your corporation can use. Each question has a tickbox to record your corporation’s compliance, helping you to identify the areas that need attention.

ORIC, PBC Regulations, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Information Sheet
Indigenous land use agreements (ILUAs) for PBCs Aurora

This factsheet details the roles and requirements of PBCs entering into Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs). This factsheet provides an overview of the various types of ILUAs as well as some of the legal requirements and processes needed for the future act(s). Please note some of this information may be outdated. 

Agreements, Future acts, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate) Information Sheet
Information for PBCs on changes to native title laws and obligations CATSI Act, Decision making, Dispute management, Exemptible rules, Future acts, ILUA (Indigenous Land Use Agreement), Legal, Native Title Act, Native title holder, PBC Regulations, PBCs (Prescribed Body / Bodies Corporate), Reporting Fact sheet